Introduction of the contributors (members)


Introduction of the contributors

This blog is a project by Students of 9th Quebec, Noel School, Akola, Maharashtra(Ayush Gharde, Sachit Ingole & Anay Deshmukh). It was made using HTML, CSS and Javascript. Only the free domain ( is used to make it visible all over the globe. 

Odisha is a state of secrets which were not taught in the schools. Here, we tried to reveal them through this site. We recommend to see all the posts according to the series we have tried to organise to understand this project more deeply. Also click more post at the end of this page.

Also, If you are on any mobile device, We recommend to move to a laptop or desktop to see our real work.



Ayush Gharde - Creating the site and assistance in reference gathering.

Sachit Ingole - Assistance in reference gathering 

Anay Deshmukh - Reference gathering.

(ASA is nothing but Ayush-Sachit-Anay)

Thank You

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